How to use leap links?
Published on 29 November, 2022 | 4,515 views
Hello dear User! Here we explain what a LeapLink is and how you can use it, keep reading to find out about the benefits of using LeapLinks
A leap link is the ability to temporarily redirect your Bybio profile to a link of your choice, in short, if you want to direct your audience to an exact place your best option is to use leap links
When should I use a Leap Link?
Leap Links are the perfect tool for certain occasions where you want to direct your entire audience to a specific event such as
Leap Links Benefits
Why can't I place a Leap Link in my BioProfile panel?
Leap Links are only available to Pro users.
How to configure it on my Bybio?
5. Done!
Last updated on: 29 November, 2022